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Forum >> Hyde Park >> Szukam osób do udziału w testach - szczegóły poniżej

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Szukam osób do udziału w testach - szczegóły poniżej
29.11.2018 (Cz) 23.24 (2055 dni temu)
We would like to invite you to the postal project UNEX CEN. For this special postal measurement we are looking for business participants who are using a franking machine or a "Postage Paid" impression on envelopes within their company.

Please find further information hereafter:
- The task would comprise the posting of about 5 letters per week to our receiver participants in European countries. So it would be one test item every day.
- We would supply the needed test letters on a weekly basis ready to be sent (DL, C6, C5 and C4 letters, no packets).
- The letters would have to be franked via a franking/metering machine or "Postage Paid/Port Payé" impression (according to your company possibilities).
- The postage costs will be reimbursed separately on a bi-weekly basis in advance.
- The posting has to be done via a post office or a pick-up service of your postal operator.
- After the posting of a test letter the data has to be confirmed on our website.
- The monthly bonus would amount to 30 EUR (about 130 PLN, via Paypal or Amazon).

Forum >> Hyde Park >> Szukam osób do udziału w testach - szczegóły poniżej